Health Connex
Amandine Johnson
Masters of Sustainable Design DES University of South Australia
amandine@ amandinejohnson. com
‘Health Connex’ is an online website aimed to connect healthcare professionals, patients and chemists outside of the traditional clinical appointment. It is a value-adding service complimenting traditional healthcare in contemporary society. It extends health related conversations outside of the healthcare providers’ office, encouraging a more cohesive, and sustainable community.
This portal bridges the communication gap between doctors, specialists, chemists, tertiary healthcare workers and patients. It provides an accessible place to access vital and current patient health information and encourages professional collaboration by information sharing and using technologies like ‘Skype’ to communicate.
It provides a more pro-active approach to healthcare by allowing the patient access to his or her own healthcare information. It encourages interaction through secure e-mailing to healthcare providers, which reduces unnecessary appointments. The patient can store reactions and emotions regarding their health care through the online journal. This can be shared with the healthcare professional, which provides a unique opportunity for the healthcare professional to uncover underlying issues that the patient does not verbally communicate.
It connects the patient to community events, such as seminars for self help. This provides a stronger support system that extends beyond just the patient and healthcare provider.